What are you reading? The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro



Juan's contribution

After enjoying "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro in March of last year 2022 at our meeting of the Reading Club "The EBC" I was quite interested in the work of this author. I already knew his previous novel “The Remains of the Day” but only from the successful movie that was made, so I recently decided to read “The Buried Giant”. The title alone is already quite intriguing, especially when we are talking about a fantasy story that takes place around the 5th century, when the poor development of science made the relationship of ordinary people with nature almost magical, which explains many of the situations created in the book.

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro is a fantasy novel that explores the themes of memory, love, and forgiveness in a post-Arthurian Britain. The novel follows Axl and Beatrice, an elderly Briton couple who suffer from a mysterious mist that erases their memories. They decide to embark on a journey to find their long-lost son, whom they barely remember. Along the way, they encounter various characters and creatures, such as Wistan, a Saxon warrior, Edwin, a boy bitten by an ogre, Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur, and Querig, a dragon whose breath causes the mist. They also learn about the dark past of their land, where King Arthur ordered a massacre of Saxons to end the war, and then used Querig's magic to make everyone forget. As they get closer to their destination, they face the dilemma of whether they want to regain their memories or not, and whether their love can survive the truth.

The novel is a blend of myth and realism, with Ishiguro's signature style of subtle and elegant prose. The novel raises questions about the role of memory in shaping our identity, relationships, and history. It also challenges the conventional notions of heroism, justice, and peace. The novel is a poignant and profound meditation on the human condition, and the power and limits of love.

One of the main themes of the novel is forgiveness. Forgiveness is important for both personal and social development because it can help heal the wounds of the past and foster positive emotions and relationships. Forgiveness can also reduce anger, resentment, and hostility, and promote peace and reconciliation among groups that have been in conflict or violence.

In the novel, forgiveness is shown as a difficult but necessary process for both individuals and communities. Axl and Beatrice have to forgive each other for their past mistakes and hurts that they gradually remember as they travel. They also have to forgive themselves for their own actions or inactions that may have caused harm to others. They have to decide whether they want to forgive Querig for taking away their memories or kill her to restore them. Wistan has to forgive Sir Gawain for his role in the massacre of his people and his failure to slay Querig. Sir Gawain has to forgive himself for his loyalty to King Arthur and his betrayal of his own conscience. Edwin has to forgive his mother for abandoning him and his village for rejecting him. The Saxons and Britons have to forgive each other for their mutual atrocities and find a way to coexist peacefully.

The novel shows that forgiveness is not easy or simple. It requires courage, compassion, empathy, and honesty. It also involves a risk of losing one's identity or love. However, the novel also suggests that forgiveness is possible and worthwhile. It can help one overcome the pain of the past and move forward with hope and dignity. It can also help one appreciate the value of life and love in the present moment.

I would like to think that today more than ever, perhaps our own country - as Saxons and Britons -needs a bit of forgetting the past to move forward.

In short, it is a book that I recommend because I have enjoyed it and it has made me reflect deeply.


> Guillermo del Toro Will Return to Netflix With New Animated Film “The Buried Giant”

Source: New on Netflix; News

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