Radovan Karadzic: the face behind Dr. Val

 Noelia's contribution

The novel follows an imaginary Balkan war criminal, Dr. Vlad, as he interacts with women in an Irish village. The past actions of the main character closely resemble the war crimes of the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić. [Wikipedia]


He was arrested in Belgrade on 21 July 2008 and brought before Belgrade's War Crimes Court a few days later. Extradited to the Netherlands, he was placed in the custody of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the United Nations Detention Unit of Scheveningen, where he was charged with 11 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity.[Wikipedia]

The following BBC podcast is quite curious because it narrates the search process before his capture.

> BBC SoundsThe search for Karadzic and Mladic

On 12 May 2021 it was announced that, with the agreement of the UK authorities, he would serve the rest of his sentence in a UK prison.[Wikipedia]

The following BBC News article describes this fact.

> BBC NewsRadovan Karadzic: Ex-Bosnian Serb leader to be sent to UK prison

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