Here we have some information related to Koli, the city of the book that we are reading about this month. With all this we will be able to imagine much better the atmosphere and landscape that is presented in the book.
> Koli Cultural Society webpage
Source: Koli National Park |
And these are Koli's people
> Edouard Ribier, he never says no. He've worked in different Jobs and one of the Last one is handmade beer - Kolin Panimo
> Laura Härkönen mentions that Koli supermarket is crowed thanks to the extreme cross-country Vaarojen Maratón in october - UltraStanley Park
Apart from that she talks about how proud she feels about Finnish School System
> The Finnish education system
> Lasse Martikainen has created the sculpture park in Koli. If you visit this website you can learn more about koli garden history and watch a video of children enjoying this place.
> KOLIN PUUTARHA - Sculpture Garden
Koli on Google Maps